Greetings! As long promised the forums are back — and a bit barren at the moment.
If you expected to come back to find the old forums fully restored with years of posting history, a repository of resources and fan-produced game aids awaiting you, I’ll just be blunt.
You’ll find none of that here. It’s all gone.
The same catastrophe that wiped out the old website accounts over fifteen months ago also included to old forums. I’m sure there will be a stream of posts asking about backups and proposed remedies and so forth. But I can assure you. It’s all gone. We have worked with our old server-host (from which we’ve since moved to a new host), and numerous individuals on every possible remedy and we hit a dead end. The backups were unrecoverable.
Long story short, our old friend Steve Johannson was our in-house IT-guy. Steve was very insular in his work. He did his job and did it well while the rest of us concerned ourselves with our own areas of work. His death was sudden and unexpected. He left no manual behind on how to do his job. The last three years since his parting has been a learning experience for everyone here.
We have some exciting news regarding both KODT and HackMaster in the coming weeks. We wanted to get the boards back up and running before that happens. What can you do to help…?
We are going to be gathering up all the rescourses, free downloads and gaming resources we have our our hard drive and reposting them. If you have copies of material that was fan-produced and want to repost it, we encourage you to do so.
If you have errata, suggestions and questions? Post those in the appropriate areas as well.
I look forward to rebuilding the community here, even though online forums in general are a dying-thing these days I do believe they still have their use.
Will be posting more in the days to come.