HackJournal #29 (PDF)


HackJournal #29 (PDF)

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The HackJournal is a quarterly PDF magazine designed specifically for (and by) the members of the HackMaster Association – an organization of dedicated HackMaster players and GameMasters who meet online and in person to discuss and play the HackMaster roleplaying game.HackJournal #29 TABLE OF CONTENTSAll Things Magical: Newly Discovered Magicks from Treasure Chests Throughout Garweeze Wurld (Parts II and III combined) by James ButlerPlayer’s Advantage: Items of Remembrance by Charles SlatonBehind the Shield: The Red Baron Rides Again by Hendrik HarterichSpecial Preview of HackMaster Basic: The Mage Class by the Kenzer and Company design teamA Hacker’s Guide to Aldrazar: Splendorous Deep Outside Environs Map by James MontneyA Hacker’s Guide to Aldrazar: Splendorous Deep Vertical Connections Guide by James MontneyA Hacker’s Guide to Aldrazar: Splendorous Deep Upper Commons Map by James MontneyFrom the Cubicle of the Chancellor: HackMaster Basic Spoilers by Mark PlemmonsHackJournal Coupon Sheet presented by Kenzer and Company25 pages including cover; color and b&w