HackJournal #39 (PDF)


HackJournal #39 (PDF)

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The HackJournal is a quarterly PDF magazine designed specifically for (and by) the members of the HackMaster Association – an organization of dedicated Players and GameMasters who meet online and in person to discuss and play Kenzerco’s role-playing games.HackJournal also previews special pre-release material, including ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’ rules previews for future products! Readers are encouraged to try out these new rules and provide feedback on the Kenzer and Company discussion forums.HackJournal #39Table of Contents• Monsters in the Barn: A HackMaster Adventure• Weariness Rules• Unofficial Rules for Herbalism• Inter-Party Relation Rules• Rehabbing Karinar Manor (fun things to do in your down time at Frandor’s Keep)26 pages including cover