Shadis Magazine #2 (PDF)


Shadis: the Science Fiction and Fantasy magazine #2

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Witness the beginning of a great adventure! Shadis: the Science Fiction and Fantasy magazine was started as a small press magazine in 1990 by Jolly R. Blackburn – the first step in what would eventually become the Knights of the Dinner Table magazine! Originally a photocopied publication, we’ve made it available just as it originally appeared, now in a form unimagined at the time.Shadis provides a myriad of articles to enhance your role-playing, along with fiction, reviews, and much more!Fans of Knights of the Dinner Table, as well as HackMaster, will recognize familiar writers and creators, as well as early references to the lands of Alderac (eventually to be HackMaster’s Aldrazar/Garweeze Wurld). Set your wayback machine to 1990 and download this classic PDF for yourself!____________________________________________________________Shadis #02 Table of ContentsDepartmentsBackroom Murmuring – Editorial of a Madman by Jolly R. BlackburnLetters PageShadis Interviews: I.F.G.S. president Paul Hayes by Barbara BlackburnFrom the Scrolls of Greytar: Alderac scrolls, the Soult Tet Shriek, and area map by Jolly R. BlackburnUnder the Spotlight: I.F.G.S. Fantasy Rules by B.A. FeltonNews From Afar: New Products, Rumors, ….Disks of Wondrous Power: Starflight II, Champions of Krynn by Lew HerringThe Market PlatzFeaturesThe World Beyond ‘HacknSlash’: Part Two: the Magic-user by John K. D’AmatoThe Equalizer: a new character class for your AD&D campaign by Lew HerringThe Pitfalls of Playing an Evil Character by Frank R. VanhooseJust Spoils for the Unjust: Criminal Justice in Fantasy Role-Playing by Jolly R. BlackburnFictionBones of Ruin: Part II – Wolves and Old Men by Jolly R. BlackburnShriek of Soult Tet: Part II – Men or Monsters by Barbara BlackburnOf Embers Born: Part II by Frank R. VanhooseKnights of the Dinner Tableunnamed strip (very first KoDT strip!) by Jolly R. Blackburn64 pages