Kingdoms of Kalamar – Forging Darkness (PDF)


Kingdoms of Kalamar – Forging Darkness (PDF)

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A DEADLY SCAVENGER HUNTThe adventure begins in the Cty-State of Zoa, as the player characters are tasked with a quest to gather three ingredients that they will use to forge a magic coin to defeat an evil wizard. Which will be more dangerous to collect, the mysterious diamond touched by death, the blood of an outsider spilled by a coward or a blue dragon’s breath?This accessory provides characters with a fantastic stroyline and a chance for many types of adventure including deserted ruins, city skirmishes and power brokering, waterborne, a desert jaunt and humanoid lair. You will take your PCs from the cosmopolitan City-State of Zoa to the outlying haunted farms, across the Reanaaria Bay to the treacherous southern Khydoban Desert. If they escape with their lives from the blue dragon who lives there they will be off to Xaarum to hunt a devil and then return to the troublesome streets of the City-State of Zoa – where they know not whom they can trust!Like all Kenzer and Company products, this adventure was designed with the GameMaster in mind. We prepare all the details so you can spend less time flipping pages and more time gaming. Being a GM has never been so easy, or so much fun! Here’s some of what you get:- 48 pages of useful background, maps, artwork and adventure details; no useless fluff!- 5 new magic items!- 4 new monsters!- Player aids and handouts that your group is sure to enjoy.- Impressive dungeon and city maps!- More adventure in the City-State of Zoa, details on the dangers of the southern Khydoban Desert, and the City-State of Xaarum.- Learn the history and legends of the areas of Tellene where this adventure takes place.- ImageQUEST Adventure Illustrator: “Because a picture is worth 1,000 words.” ImageQUEST is the picture book that gamers love. Now GMs can not only read the boxed text, they can actually show it to the players.Although easily converted for use in any campaign setting, this book is designed for use of Dungeons & Dragons rules with the Kingdoms of Kalamar – a realistic, dynamic world where complex political alliances mix with marauding bands of humanoids, and medieval technology and culture come faces to face with magic and the fantastic. Whatever type of adventure you seek, you can find it here.For characters of 2nd to 4th level. Although originally designed for D&D v3.0, this adventure can easily be adapted for older or newer editions by any Dungeon Master with a little experience.This module can be used by itself, or as Part Two of the Coin of Power trilogy