HackJournal #25 (PDF)


HackJournal #25 (PDF)

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The HackJournal is a quarterly PDF magazine designed specifically for (and by) the members of the HackMaster Association – an organization of dedicated HackMaster players and GameMasters who meet online and in person to discuss and play the HackMaster 4th edition roleplaying game.HackJournal #25 TABLE OF CONTENTSPlayer’s Advantage: Zealots of Athena by Peter BowkettPlayer’s Advantage: Quivering With Delight by Joe ReimersGameMaster’s Workshop: Village Name Generator by Peter BowkettThe Waylands: Tilan, Island of Magic – University of the Arcane by Benjamin SharefBehind the Shield: HackJournal Index by Kevin TrudeauHackJournal Coupon Sheet presented by Kenzer and Company33 pages; color and b&w