HackJournal #32 (PDF)


HackJournal #32 (PDF)

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The HackJournal is a quarterly PDF magazine designed specifically for (and by) the members of the HackMaster Association – an organization of dedicated HackMaster players and GameMasters who meet online and in person to discuss and play the HackMaster roleplaying game.HackJournal also previews special pre-release material, including ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’ rules previews for future HackMaster products! Readers are encouraged to try out these new rules and provide feedback on the Kenzer and Company discussion forums.HackJournal #32 TABLE OF CONTENTSThe Knight (a fighter subclass)The Paladin (a knight subclass)The Fighter/Thief (new multiclass)The Mage/Thief (new multiclass)The Dark One (new cleric class)The Eternal Lantern (new cleric class)Thrain (aka the Wise One) (new cleric class)Grawdyng (aka The Harvester of Souls) (new cleric class)The Locust Lord (new cleric class)Draper (aka Risk) (new cleric class)The Traveler (new cleric class)Physical Conditioning (talent)Etiquette/Manners, Style Sense, Taxidermy (proficiencies)Fighting Styles (combat options)Fatigue (new combat rules)Two-Handed Scythe, Sickle, Great Warhammer (new weapons)A Guide to Rope (GameMaster’s Workshop article)New Cleric Spells (levels 1 to 20)31 pages including cover; color and b&w