Kingdoms of Kalamar – Player’s Primer (PDF)


Kingdoms of Kalamar – Player’s Primer (PDF)

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UNIQUE CHARACTER, UNIQUE VISIONWelcome to Tellene! This 128-page searchable PDF provides the basic details of life in the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting, and fills in all the details to flesh out the history of a player or non-player character. The Player’s Primer is divided into several sections, each of which help a player recognize what their character knows and what they believe (often the two are quite different), and includes many helpful tables and charts. A must have for any player or Dungeon Master!- Quick Roll Background Tables! Create a detailed character history, including information about other members of your family. Add a degree of believability to your characters, and discover a richer and more enjoyable roleplaying experience!- Random Name Tables! Expanded tables include new names for all of the major human and humanoid races on Tellene!- Character Knowledge! Now, you know what your character knows, based on their place of origin. Find out common views on race, religion and government, along with local history and superstitions!- Career History! What did your character do before becoming an adventurer? After all, even the most dangerous fighters rarely chose adventuring as their first career. Learn about the work or apprenticeship in your character’s youth that turned them against the simple life, but towards a life of adventure!- Religious Views! Gain insight on how devotees of one religion view other allied or opposing religions. This section also includes comprehensive deity charts. Useful material for both clerics and non-clerics alike!Although usable in any campaign, this book uses the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting as a base for descriptive text and cultural details. In this realistic, dynamic world, complex political alliances mix with marauding bands of humanoids, and medieval technology and culture come face to face with magic and the fantastic. Whatever type of adventure you seek, you can find it here.