HackMaster – Kingdoms of Kalamar – P’Bapar 4: Societies, Groups, Guilds and Organizations (PDF)


HackMaster – Kingdoms of Kalamar – P’Bapar 4: Societies, Groups, Guilds and Organizations (PDF)

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Hundreds of powerful and influential groups, guilds, and organizations can be found within P’Bapar. These factions do their best to recruit and retain followers interested in their agenda. Some organizations are powerful enough to exert their influence throughout the city, though most have limited political or social sway.The pursuit of a common agenda, ideal or purpose defines these groups. This can be something as simple as establishing a monopoly on a service, or creating an exacting set of standards everyone is expected to follow. Or it can be an expansive and lofty proposition such as controlling the city (or even the entirety of Tellene), and everything in between.15 pages