HackMaster – The Temple of Unrelenting Despair (PDF)


HackMaster – The Temple of Unrelenting Despair (PDF)

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The Temple of Unrelenting Despair is a HackMaster adventure optimally designed for five player characters of 5th level (though PCs near this level can certainly be challenged by this scenario).The specific location is set in the wild borderlands of P’Bapar, but the GM may choose to place the temple at the outskirts of almost any region where human settlements can be found.Adventure SummaryThe PCs encounter a tortured, pregnant woman with a horrible tale. She directs them to the place of her captivity, where they find… [details not shown to preserve the mystery of the adventure]A preliminary version of this adventure appeared in KoDT #175. This version has been substantively edited and conforms to rules updates made since its initial publication. It is also full color and features tap navigation.28 pages