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Knights of the Dinner Table Issue 298 — Print Issue Now Available (as well as digital

UPDATE: Issue 298 came back from the printer. Subscriber issues are in the mail. You can now purchase the print issue on our webstore. Sorry for the delay. KODT 299 on the press.

Hey folks, issue 298 has been at the printer for several weeks now. It has been delayed. First due to the paper shortage and NOW due to Covid sweeping the plant and bottlenecking production. As Bob would say, “GAAA!”
The good news is we should have the print issues on our docks soon to ship. Because of the usual delay, however, we’re making the digital issues available for sale now. You can grab it RIGHT HERE!
(Note: Subscriber issues are in the mail. Please allow a week to ten days for them to arrive. Longer for Bulk Mail)