HackMaster 4E – Dead Gawd’s Hand (PDF)


HackMaster 4E – Dead Gawd’s Hand (PDF)

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South of the savage lands of Gnardor, dominated by both rugged mountains and swampland, lies the Kingdom of Da’Neer, where fear and dark secrets are commonplace. Now, an ancient evil stirs deep within the bowels of the swamp, threatening to bring horrors beyond any this region – or this wurld – has seen for millennia. The Cult of Ygaruth is active, no doubt hoping to gain power from realms of terror beyond man’s comprehension. It will take a brave band of adventurers to end this menace, or fall before the might of the Dead Gawd’s Hand. Have you the courage?If so, you must prepare yourself, my friend. You are about to embark on a journey into a land where magic and monsters lurk in every darkened corner. This is not a place for the meek spirited or the wuss of heart. The Aldrazar™ campaign setting is a land embroiled in an epic struggle that has raged for countless eons: where the forces of evil war against those of good, where law struggles to keep chaos in check, where adventure and the art of hack are the meat and drink of all who would seek to carve their niche in such a hostile, forbidding and unforgiving environment. This is the realm of the HackMaster™ 4th edition role-playing game.128 pages, b&w